This fall we are bringing different US boarding high schools to 10 different countries. Students will be able to learn more about different programs, talk to their admission director, and speak of different scholarship opportunities.
Hosts: IBA, Maumee Valley, Rabun Gap
Every year we organize IBA Balkan Boarding School Tour where USA boarding schools join our school fairs in Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Bulgaria and Macedonia, as well as Spain, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Since physical gatherings and travel are no longer an option, we decided to shift our focus to digital. Now, students and you-parents will be able to meet prospective schools from the comfort of your own home and have a chat with them. On the fair, there will be around 10 different USA boarding schools. Boarding school system is the most elite high school educational system in the world. Boarding schools represented are/offer: from different locations (states) different sizes (big-medium-small schools) different specifications (co-ed, all girls, all boys) different signature programs (arts, sports, etc). At this event, parents will be able to learn about how the boarding system works. More information on the schools, we would send your way once you have registered for the roadshow. After you have been provided with the school information, you would have a mandatory info session in the form of individual online meeting with school representatives through the Fair platform.
Hosts: IBA Consulting, Rabun Gap, Thornton Academy, Miss Hall's School, Tallulah Falls School, Andrews Osborne Academy, Foxcroft Academy, Hoosac School
Partnering with a basketball school run by our partner from Spain, Nicholas Hustisi for years, we have organized a showcase and presentation of IBA scholarships for basketball talent from Madrid. The presentation is in the beautiful amphitheater of Gaudem School, and interviews with parents and candidates are scheduled afterwards.
Hosts: Rabun Gap, Foxcroft Academy, Andrews Osborne Academy, Cheshire Academy
Our target candidates are teenagers who are interested in the boarding high school education, between the ages of 13-17. All of our students not only are interested solely in the academic side of the USA experience, but also are highly excited to play sports as well. We help all students that have high achievements in the academics sector, as well as in athletics or arts, to prosper in the USA establishments. We have organized a showcase and presentation of IBA scholarships for basketball talent from Bilbao.
Hosts: Rabun Gap, Foxcroft Academy, Andrews Osborne Academy, Cheshire Academy
Fall 2019 is reserved for major projects! IBA consulting agency for studies and scholarships abroad organizes education fairs in several Balkan cities! We are honored to be part of the Balkan Tour and to present to students and prospective students the best boarding schools in Europe and America! If you want to enroll in high school or elementary studies in America, Canada or Britain, this is a great opportunity to find out all the options available to you. Representatives of schools from all over Europe and from America will attend the fair. Where and when? Skopje - October 26, Holiday Inn Hotel from 9am to 5pm Tirana - October 28, Hotel Rogner from 3pm to 8pm Podgorica - October 29, Centerville Hotel from 3pm to 8pm. Sarajevo - October 30, Hotel Europa, 3pm to 8pm. Join us at the fair, bring your friends, your parents, or your classmates. Learn about all the benefits of studying abroad! Admission is free and all you have to do is register through the link: We look forward seeing you there!
Hosts: IBA CONSULTING and Partners
This October, in partnership with Fortuna team, we are welcoming GRIER SCHOOL. Grier School is a top girls' preparatory school that offers a strong equestrian program, moreover, dance and theater programs. Grier School strives to provide a warm atmosphere where students will gain knowledge and foster creativity.
Hosts: IBA Consulting
We have as many as 8 American boarding schools. In Belgrade, at the Meriot Hotel we organize a presentation where you will have the opportunity to meet. These are men's schools by number of students, but of high quality and known for the signatures of the programs they offer. Each school will have short presentations and close an individual interview with interested candidates. This is a great opportunity to get detailed information about the school and to choose the right one, whether you are interested in studying at a US high school or want to get a degree.
Again this year, we are hosting the Hofresa Basketball Camp, which is being held in Logrono, in the Spanish province of La Rioja. For the first year in a row, we have been organizing showas for the fifth consecutive year. At the final ceremony marking the end of the first shift of the camp, we present our scholarship programs, and we have a Thornton Academy School representative on our guests.
Hosts: Thornton Academy
This October, as in previous years, we hosted a representative of Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School, Roger Cox. The presentation was held in the full hall of the Marriot Hotel where interested parents and students had the opportunity to learn about the school's programs and benefits, as well as the scholarships provided by IBA Consulting. In addition to the curriculum, this school is represented by various activities: sports and artistic disciplines, one-day and weekend excursions. All that helps children to acquire an education that will allow them access to the world's best universities.
Hosts: Rabun Gap